My lantern prototype. |
I almost did not blog tonight, and I
spent the last hour explaining my reasons. After three-hundred-and
-seventy words of complaining, it occurred to me that these were just
excuses for my debilitating habits. The same habits I have discussed
before: poor planning, procrastinating, overreaching. Tonight's
content sounded repetitive. Worse, it was all coming from a bad
place. This week was busy, with little to show for it; this weekend
exhausting, filled with disappointments. The post reeked of these
negative feelings. While writing about pain and suffering is
necessary and cathartic, these subjects require careful and
deliberate execution. That demands time and focus. Otherwise, I am
just ranting and raving, spewing vile into the universe. And the
universe needs far less negative expression these days.
Then it came to me. A question.
Why AM
I still blogging?
Before you panic, dear reader, I do not intend to give it up. Nor do I wish to take a sabbatical, even a short one. However, I felt a need to confess this inner thought. This troubling confession may be the culmination of this past week's frustrations. Like the pangs of indigestion rising up after a holiday of binging, provoking the need to reevaluated your diet, lest you want your body to suffer worse consequences in the days and weeks ahead. Or, it may be the inevitable result of all this introspection. Writing week after week about personal details is like peeling away layers of flooring in an old house. Eventually you will reach the original install. Only then will you realize whether it was worth the effort.
Why AM I still blogging?
Thirty-one months and one-hundred-and-seventy-six posts later, it is an important question to ask. It is also natural, because the original reasons may no longer apply. In the beginning, there were three. Two are obvious, just read the first few posts. The third, not so much. I have only alluded to it perhaps once, maybe twice. Unfortunately, for you, I do not have the energy to find it (my guess is I labeled it as a "confession"). After all this time writing about whatever came to my mind on a Sunday night, coupled with a list of failed projects from this past week, I am not surprised that this question showed up.
Why AM I still blogging?
Whatever answers come to the surface right now, are not meant to last. Trust me, my initial responses are quite messy and foul. They are like the proto-DNA strands arising from the primordial soup. Yet, while their presence may disappear from future iterations, their initial existence is necessary in order for the process to begin. And sharing this question is but the first step in search of a conclusion.
Why AM I still blogging?
Sorry, good reader, I do not have an answer. I am not sure when it will come to me. But, rest assured, I will be asking it constantly over the next few weeks. After all, it is an important question.
In the meantime, I have a dishwasher to start, and a load of laundry to fold. Among a million other things.
Why AM I still blogging?
My Second and Final Attempt. |