After last week's rather depressing post, I have decided to bring a little more levity and brevity to today's writing. Well, more of the latter, as I am not very good at the former. Hmm... I may need to work on the latter as well. Sigh.
(A birthday card I received from my wife while were dating. It cracked me up so much, I LOLed before LOLing was even a thing. And I have been cracking up about it every since. Seriously, the look on that cow's face. Love it! For the longest time I thought this was done by Gary Larson of the Far Side comic strip. Apparently it is a greeting card design from Leigh Rubin.)
Five days straight of intense painting, complete with a pair of arthritic hands, aching knees, sore neck. Two days scraping specks of paint off floors, vacuuming dust and debris from floors, mopping floors to a bright shine. Six hours wiping down the oven, cleaning the kitchen, scrubbing the bathroom. Four round trips in a row chauffeuring the girls to and from the dance studio. One late afternoon feeding my wife's family a course of prime rib, mashed potatoes, a fancy salad, Brussels sprouts, crescent rolls. An evening of cleaning up after everyone. Finally, an interesting text exchange inspired by a disappointing memoir just before bed.
That is why I decided to take this Mother's Day off. Well, I made the decision after delivering up for my wife and children a special breakfast consisting of homemade French Toast, scrambled eggs, and a side of bacon. Oh, and a desperate run to the pool store, because I found out about the chlorine shortage (only to discover that chlorine tablets are being rationed, but the liquid chlorine was not available until tomorrow). Actually, I resolved to call it quits for the day, after my wife's lunch request: the prime rib heated in a pool of au jus sauce, covered with a slice of sharp provolone, served up on a buttered, toasted roll, with a pile of air fried French fries (in her defense, she took time away from her day of rest to buy the delicious rolls and bag of French fries).
But, I swear, after that last task, I committed myself to keeping holy the Sabbath. I rested. Instead of doing the laundry, I took a nap. Put off my daily journal writing. Let the dishes pile up in the sink, and the empty cans of seltzer collect on the counter by the garage door. And I celebrated. In addition to the hearty breakfast, I spent the rest of the day consuming a half bag of Hershey almond nuggets, the remainder of yesterday's bundt cake and cannoli dip platter, a "sliver" of leftover French toast, several pizza slices, a banana, and the final slice of Oreo flavored ice cream cake (which I finished of right before starting this blog post). Finally, I daydreamed. Not sure what that has to do with the Sabbath, but I did it anyway. (Now that I am thinking about it, I may have broken a few Commandments within my daydreams--I probably should pray the Rosary, go to Confession, or something).
And now I feel tired and bloated, with very little to show for it. However, always being productive is not a good thing. I kind of like the idea of honoring the Sabbath day. The only regret I do have, is not spending any time today reading. I have two books I am working through, and I am finding them very fascinating. Yet, not one moment so far was spent focused on either of them today.
I find that a little upsetting.
Therefore, I am going to remedy it by leaving this all here as tonight's blog post. (I will have to return later tonight, by 10 pm, to publish it and share a link on Facebook--I like to maintain my Sunday night notification, and keeping the time of publication consistent.) Then I am going to turn off this computer, put down my phone, and dive into the two books. I have already finished two others this past month, and I want to write up reviews in order to share with all (seven?) of you. The dishes, the laundry, and everything else will have to wait until tomorrow morning.
And hopefully this bloating will subside, too, while I am reading.
(Ugh. Maybe I have another regret: some of my food choices...)
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