Sunday, August 22, 2021

Meandering Thoughts #11

I almost didn't blog tonight. However, around 9:30 pm, I began working on a Facebook post that would explain my unwillingness to blog. What I thought would be a brief apology, began to evolve into a long winded explanation of a television series I enjoyed watching on Netflix. Then someone's voice whispered "by the time you are done writing, you could have turned it into a blog post."

So, I grabbed the laptop, signed into Blogger, and began typing. It is not much to look at, but it may become an introduction to something better.

Most importantly, I sat down and wrote something.

Into the Badlands -- Movie Poster

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Confessions (#14)

Skipping two weeks has its price: over compensation. So instead of writing one long post, I end up with three short ones (EDIT: a short one, and two longer ones). However, there is a theme. Therefore, reading all of them should be rewarding.  

TL/DR: I skipped two blog posts, despite writing enough on Facebook to make up for them. I tried to build a new writing habit: I failed. Then I went on vacation, and read a book that was out of my comfort zone. It made me envious, but not jealous (I wrote about this before, but I do not have the energy to link to it now). It inspired me (the book, not the link). But not in the way that you think (you will have to read on to find out how). I am still daydreaming (and I share a few with you). But I am trying to write them down (blogging does not count--actually, it kind of does). Oh, also, I really want to learn how to draw better. That way I could produce my own images for my blog posts instead of finding them on the internet (among other reasons for drawing).

(Some day I will finally edit and proofread my blog post before clicking "Publish", I promise...)