Monday, January 27, 2025

Meandering Thoughts (#25)

Jake the Cat
Jake the Cat attempting to hide from the post-holiday doldrums.

Four. More. Years. My current struggle? Figuring out how to resist this madness. And getting on a plane by myself, again. At least I produced a blog post.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Meandering Thoughts (#24)

Another political post. Someday I will elaborate my thoughts about heroes vs heroism, saints vs saintly deeds. Also, a discussion about "common sense" and why I hate the phrase, is in order. In addition, my view that lawyers and activists have been the greatest defenders of our rights and freedoms, while soldiers have protected our national security and interests, and police have served a different purpose, deserves an explanation. But all that will have to wait. For now, the topic is heroes and saints.

If you want something more professional direct from an historian, here is Heather Cox Richardson's post about heroism. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

On Dreaming (#24)

The Desperate Man by Gustave Courbets
The Desperate Man by Gustave Courbets

You would think after last week's announcement, I would have been motivated, and produced something profound. That is not how I operate. Not even after all these year. Also, change takes time. Incremental steps. Yet, I need to write something. Since my last dream post was back in August, tonight I will share a few from the last three months of last year.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Apologies for (Another) Long Silence...

Chinese Fortune Cookie

My last "long silence" lasted several months". This past one, eight weeks. I received this note in my fortune cookie from Christmas Eve. Now, here I am blogging again. Hey, if a slip of paper is my motivation, so be it. After all, a wildfire can begin with a small spark.