Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Vegetable Gardening and Me (#4)

As I mentioned in my first post on gardening, I want to make this a weekly post. I am not an expert gardener, and I have made plenty of mistakes, but my adventures may help others have more fun and success. 

Today I provide a quick update on my garden, and bemoan my lack of planning. Again.

Vegetables from My Garden, by Richard Enna

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. All my posts are for informational and entertainment purposes only. I reserve the right to change, edit, or correct any of the content found on the blog at any time without notification. Use at your own risk. 

The rows are completed, the raised bed is done, and the transplants are... um... transplanted! While I am excited about what I have accomplished  this past week, I am also disappointed. Sweaty, back-breaking work, saw the fifth, and final row installed, all the rows covered over in straw, and my drip lines pinned down. The raised bed has been filled, and a fence installed around the top edge. Finally, the tomato, pepper, and eggplant transplants have been put into the ground (I lost two eggplants in the process, but they seemed sickly to begin with). There are are about six Brussels sprout seedlings that need a home, but I will do that tomorrow (I am not optimistic about them).

Now, if I had only had a plan in place before March, I could have harvested broccoli, lettuce, and spinach by now. And begun a second round of them. In addition, my cherry tomatoes would have been flowering, too.  Finally, I would have had everything else in the ground (squashes, both summer and winter, carrots and celery, beans, peas, and herbs). 

Finally, those four rows need their fencing. I wanted to wait until that final row was built, so that I could calculate the outer perimeter accurately. Now that they are all in place, I can finish up. The goal is to install the fencing by Friday, and plant the rest of the crops this weekend.

But I need those plans. So, the next time I post about gardening, it will include the plans I will develop over the next few days. And hopefully news of how the fencing has kept my transplants safe and sound from those pesky rabbits.

Which I happened to spy hopping by me as I was installing the fence around the raised beds yesterday...

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