Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Vegetable Gardening and Me (#6)

As I mentioned in my first post on gardening, I want to make this a weekly post. I am not an expert gardener, and I have made plenty of mistakes, but my adventures may help others have more fun and success. 

Also, I now have a page dedicated to gardening, that will contain all past and future posts, as well as resources I have found useful.

Today I provide an update on my gardening adventures.

Vegetables from My Garden, by Richard Enna

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. All my posts are for informational and entertainment purposes only. I reserve the right to change, edit, or correct any of the content found on the blog at any time without notification. Use at your own risk. 

Today was a good day! The fencing has been completed. Well, all of it, except for the two gates. But I am okay with waiting until tomorrow to finish that part. I did not know how I was going to provide accessibility to the garden until the end, anyway. After three hours of working in the garage and outside under hot and humid conditions, my mind rested on a solution. I would install hinges and latches. Yes, it was a simple, straightforward answer, and one I had considered from the start. However, I did not want to buy more supplies. So, I spent way too much time contemplating other possibilities.  By the time I finally accepted what I had to do, it was 5 pm, I was sweaty and dirty, and I still had to prepare dinner.

In the end, though, I am satisfied. While the fencing is temporary, it looks better than chicken wire, and will hold up just as well. And I can reuse the material when I am able to make a more attractive fence. In addition, the new fence can be done one or two sections at a time, without compromising the security of my garden.

Take that, you darn rabbits!

Now on to planting, which I will begin tomorrow morning. 

It feels so good to overcome a major roadblock.

Garden Gate, Unfinished

Garden Fencing

Garden Fencing

Garden Fencing

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