Thursday, October 6, 2022

My Weekly Checkup (#28)

I almost skipped today's post. Around noon, I had a difficult decision. In three hours I would find myself driving to my daughter's dance studio. Upon my arrival, I would have to spend the next two-and-a-half hours waiting for her. Blogging was not an option--trust me, it is complicated. My plan was to read for half the time, and then walk around the parking lot listening to podcasts the other half.  

Doing it when I got home had a low probability of success. There would be a sink full of dishes. A meal for me to eat. An evening shower (it aids with sleeping, according to a good friend). And exhaustion. It would take a lot of energy to blog after all those tasks. More importantly, I did not want the procrastination to weigh on my mind. It would distract me from my plans at the dance studio.

So, that left the three hours before my trip. One of those hours would be dedicated to cooking dinner for the family. The other hour to journaling, something I had ignored for nearly a week. Both took priority. 

With the remaining hour, it was a choice between drafting a blog post, or walking in the sun for sixty minutes. While my blog is important to me, my health comes first. There had been so many rainy days, and a few sleepless nights. Without sleep, my productivity slumps. The exercise would definitely help, But there is research that shows sun-induced vitamin D aids with sleep as well. Finally, I would knock out a few podcasts.

Well, my choice paid off. While walking under the early afternoon full sun, not only did I gather tons of vitamin D, and burn some calories, I also discovered tonight's blog post. During that hour, I listened to Jon Stewart interview an Iranian journalist. To say I was moved would be an understatement. Enthralled. Informed. Inspired. All inadequate to describe my response. 

There is a strong desire for me to comment on the content. Questions, thoughts, reactions, they are swirling through my head. However, for now, I am going to resist, and let their exchange speak for itself, lest I undermine your own experience of this interview. Hopefully I will find the time and the ability to explain myself further.

In the meantime, here is the video:


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