Sunday, October 29, 2023

Revelations (Part 6)

Do you see those two full firewood stacks? That's where two old beds stood.
One of them is in the foreground. Where the half empty stack is standing,
were two full stacks, one in front of the other.
And all that dirt in front of them? Uneven, patchy grass. 

In preparation for tonight's post, I reread last Sunday's musings. It took four straight days of intense labor to tear down, fix up, rebuild, and refill those two garden beds. Most of it occurred in the late morning, early afternoon--I do have other responsibilities and chores. But their completion was paramount, a lynchpin in starting on other projects. If I did not move them, I could not start work on the firewood racks. Without that storage space for the wood, the area around my shed would remain a mess, preventing me from building a properly contained compost heap. No compost heap? No dethatching my lawn. And my lawn needs to be dethatched and aerated, all of which needs to occur before the first frost. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Meandering Thoughts (#15)

Damn. My meals are telling me like it is.
Stuff is getting real.

Tonight's post references several thoughts from last Sunday. If you need a refresher, here is a direct link. Please note, last week I paraphrased a quote from one of my favorite animations, Adventure Time. However, I failed to attribute it explicitly. So, I went back and edited it. Then I remembered that I had discussed this theme from the show before. If you are interested, you can find the actual quote beautifully presented, in an old entry. It connects perfectly with last week's conversation. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

My First Writing Challenge (#3)

I made these shelves for my daughter. Yes, they were easy and simple,
but it felt good working with wood again. Occasionally, I forget
how much I love working with my hands, building things.

As of late Friday night, this writing challenge, along with this blog. were officially over. Tonight, the former still holds; the latter, not so much. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

My First Writing Challenge (#2)

At the Well by Daniel Ridgway Knight
At the Well by Daniel Ridgway Knight
Not sure if my characters will look anything like them.

Sorry, tonight's post does not contain any progress on the Jack and Jill story. I almost did not blog. However, the need to keep one habit going inspired me to get on the computer and type away. Hopefully,  I will return next week with more about our two orphans and their new "friend".

Sunday, October 1, 2023

My First Writing Challenge (#1)

At the Well by Daniel Ridgway Knight
Not sure if my characters will look anything like them.

Each Sunday, until the new year, I will post a piece of fiction that I have worked on during the week. It will not be my best; I doubt it will even be decent. However, at this point, for me, it is the best way to work on a habit: writing fiction daily. At the very least, dear readers, I hope you find it entertaining. Maybe you will learn something. Perhaps even be inspired to do some writing of your own.