Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Weekly Checkup (#18)

A Collection of Some Things I Found, Some Thoughts I Had This Week

This week I share two links to sites I have found very useful, especially in the wake of this pandemic. The first one I discovered several years ago while researching alternative medicine. The second one was shared a week ago in a comment on a Facebook post. So, yes, social media has its uses.

(The nurse in this painting caught my eye. So, I delved deeper into its history, and her place in the painting. Here is the Wikipedia article about it. There is an entire section dedicated to the nurse's background. Interesting stuff, including controversy surrounding its initial unveiling--but you'll have to read all the way through to the end to find out. And now you know why I chose this painting!)
The Agnew Clinic by Thomas Eakins

Science-Based Medicine: This is a site I regularly check on for information and commentary on medical matters. Besides having writers who are experts in their respective fields, and regular commentators who are knowledgeable, this site's focus on the science behind medicine resonates with me. The more I learn about the limits of science, and the misrepresentation of what it does (both by opponents and proponents), the more inspired I am to study it further. 

Your Local Epidemiologist: I just recently learned about this site, which is a shame. Now I have to spend extra time catching up with past posts. But it is worth it. 

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