Two weeks ago, after sharing the details of an intense dream, there was a promise of an election day post. It never materialized. I failed to follow through. A surreal election process that is still unfolding, a negative personal experience, and a series of looming deadlines, have left me stumbling about an intellectual stupor. In addition, I have not replaced my habit of procrastinating, nor overcome my fear of speaking out. Hence my fourteen days of silence.
But one of my five regular readers reached out to me this past week, concerned with my disappearance. Also, a good friend reminded me of the things I find important in life. Finally, two nights ago, two separate dreams blindsided me, shaking me to my core.
Whatever malaise had engulfed me these past two week, has lifted. Focused, I turn my attention to blogging.
Here is tonight's post.
(If you click on the image, you should be taken to the original, which will allow you to zoom in on it. And if you do that, you may understand why I have chosen it. Look carefully enough, and you will see the strain in her eyes, the sweat on her forehead, and several strands of wet hair clinging to her face. Beauty struggling to create. Maybe even a bit of frustration. At least that is what I see.)