Some day I will write something worthwhile. For now you will have to settle for the following. And while the content my be trivial, even a bit repetitive, I would like to think my deliver is slightly different. With a few surprises thrown into it.
In case you were wondering, I am employing an exercise I learned from a YouTuber whom I highly respect and admire (and who is nothing like me, right down to his skinny body covered in tattoos). He goes by Struthless. When he struggled to draw regularly (he had a mental block created by a negative teacher), he employed a lesson that a professional artist shared with him.
Draw the same object each day for a year.
Struthless chose a cartoonish bird. And every day, he drew this bird. Not the same way each time, but slightly different iterations. In the beginning, the bird found itself alone on a page. Eventually, forests would spring up, or a building would appear. There were days in which the page was covered in doodles and designs. And some times there were days in which the bird appeared the same as it did on day one. Except the lines were darker, more confident.
In the end, Struthless broke from this habit, and started his own animation studios. Well, a lot happened in between, but it began with drawing the same object every day for a year.
I am not ready to write every day, however, I am committed to blogging once a week. Even if it means rehashing the same material, with some slight adjustments.
(A second pile of mulch, which I managed to spread in two days.)