Thursday, September 24, 2020

My Weekly Checkup (#23)

A Collection of Some Things I Found, Some Thoughts I Had This Week

Usually I write these Weekly Checkups in the evenings, but I have so many stretches of busy moments with little downtime in between, that will begin in a few hours and run until ten tonight; therefore, I have decided to start on this post right now (1:15  pm EST).  

(And in my enthusiasm to get this done sooner rather than later, I accidently saved over last week's post... losing it forever. Sigh.)

(Haha... never mind, it is still there.)  

Mary Cassatt's Breakfast in Bed. I cannot read that mother's face. I have a few ideas, but the moment I focus on one thought, the others become jealous, and seek my attention. If "exhaustion" wins out, it is only because that is how I feel right now (did a lot of landscaping today).

Breakfast in Bed by Mary Cassatt

A former student shared this article on her Facebook wall this past weekend. Molly Conway, the author, explains justice, righteousness, and blessing in a way I had not heard before, but one I immediately understood. It is a short read, and well worth it.  I doubt I will ever achieve Ruth Bader Ginsburg's status, but I will strive to keep "her goodness alive".   

I do not remember how I came across this article, whether it was a friend, or some public figure I follow. But I do remember reading it for the first time several years ago (and every time Facebook digs it up as a memory), and loving it. Rabbi Aaron's description of what prayer is and is not resonated strongly with me. It made me rethink how I have used prayer in the past, and how I want to shift it moving forward. I still refer back to it from time to time throughout the year as a way to reorient myself. Again, short, but informative.

Rabbi David Aaron's "Why We Should Not Pray"

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