Sunday, June 16, 2024

Meandering Thoughts (#21)

The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo

To read a set of words presented such that they arouse my emotions, inspire reflection, and set my sights on new horizons? I know of only three things that could rival such an experience. (And I could find all three explained in books--though reading could never replace any of them.) 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Apologies for the Long Silence...

New fencing to keep out the bunnies and groundhogs.
I built that! And I am proud of it. Hopefully, it keeps out
all those bunnies and that one groundhog.

This morning, while making coffee for my wife, she asked me to make pancakes. For some reason, I thought it was Father's Day, and told her so. She responded, "Happy Father's Day! Now, what about some pancakes?" After making breakfast, I texted two people, my father and a friend, wishing them the best on what I thought was a holiday. Their replies arrived simultaneously, "Thank you! But, you're a week early." What a way to start a Sunday morning. At least it was an opportunity to catch up with a friend.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

On Dreaming (#22)

Fortunate Cookie: "Write injuries in dust; memories in marble."
This was from about a little over a week ago.

I almost skipped tonight's post. However, something compelled me to write something. Perhaps missing last week motivated me. After all, when struggling to meet a goal, something is better than nothing. Maybe the emotional, and at times humorous, discussion my two daughters and I just had about life and change, inspired me. Or, a little bit of both.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Meandering Thoughts (#20)

My Seat Tray on the Flight Down
On the flight down, there was a debacle with my row,
and I ended up losing my spot by the window.
To prevent further delay, I did not argue, and got stuck with a broken tray.
I guess "no good deed goes unpunished".

Fortune Cookie
Good to know.

Well, half that statement is true.
I am working on the other half.

Last weekend, I did not blog. My eldest daughter had a dance competition in Orlando, Florida. Although there was plenty of downtime, I was traveling solo. While I did spend four hours on Sunday walking around Disney Springs and riding the boat between it and a resort, there is only so much to do when you are alone. I could have blogged, or written some fiction, but I was not in the mood. Instead, I read a book on my Kindle. It would have been a good opportunity to start a new novel or work of non-fiction. However, I was looking for comfort, so I resorted to my trusty standby: The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It did not disappoint, though, I must confess, with each retreading, I find it losing some of its original luster. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

A (Sort of) Book Review (#2)

Y/N a novel by Esther Yi
The cover of a book that I am reading. 

Tonight's post will be a review of two recent books, but only sort of, because I am going to focus on my experience of reading more than the books themselves. My apologies. However, if you have been reading this blog, you know that I struggle to consume fiction on a regular basis, despite my love for it. Therefore, that I finished a book in three days, and working on a second one, is more important.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Meandering Thoughts (#19)

Schmendrick, Molly Grue, and the Unicorn from The Last Unicorn
Yes, all my life, I have associated myself
with the goofy guy on the right. In my defense,
he does say and do some cool things.
It just takes some time for him to get there.  

I almost began tonight's post announcing a leave of absence, for some unspecified amount of time, from blogging. However, after writing what follows, I have decided to stick with this project. How long, and in what form? That remains to be seen. For now, I present some raw, unfiltered thoughts. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

On Dreaming (#21)

Two Cats, Finn and Jake, Sleeping Together
My two kittens, sleeping soundly together, on my daughter's bed.
Do other animals, besides humans, dream?
(I am assuming the bottom one is comfortable.)

Sigh. I do not have anything worthwhile to share with you tonight. Nothing like I promised in last week's post. However, instead of skipping a week of blogging, I decided to go my standard Plan B: I am going to share a dream with you. After a two-week drought in late December, I have recorded several since the new year. Sorry if I disappointed. But to those who enjoy these diversion into my messy unconscious, here you go.

(In my defense, I had not shared one since July 9, 2023. That one was a good one. And still relevant today.)

Monday, January 1, 2024

Revelations (Part 7)

My Christmas Tree Stump and a Reciprocating Saw
The first time I took an electric saw to my Christmas tree.
It made removing it so much easier.
There is an analogy here. Possibly several.
But I am not ready to think about it.   

First resolution of the new year? Stop blogging on a bloated stomach. In fact, quit eating so much at one time--it is just another form of procrastination, and my middle-aged body has begun protesting against this habit. Drafting these posts a week in advance would help, too. Otherwise, you, dear reader, end up with posts like tonight's: short, rushed, disjointed, and unedited.

Short is better than long, I guess. Rushed is par the course here. Disjointed? That accurately reflects the state of my mind on most days. As for unedited, that will not change until I stop procrastinating.

What I want to change, immediately. is this blog's content.