Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Vegetable Gardening and Me (#10)

As I mentioned in my first post on gardening, I want to make this a weekly post. I am not an expert gardener, and I have made plenty of mistakes, but my adventures may help others have more fun and success. 

Also, I now have a page dedicated to gardening, that will contain all past and future posts, as well as resources I have found useful.

The week when I discovered what fox urine smell likes...

Vegetables from My Garden, by Richard Enna

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. All my posts are for informational and entertainment purposes only. I reserve the right to change, edit, or correct any of the content found on the blog at any time without notification. Use at your own risk. 

I was going to hold off with the fox urine: I had not seen any signs of rabbits within my garden fence. I have only seen them hanging around outside it. That was until around noon today. As I stepped out of my house into the yard, I spied a large rabbit eating grass within the garden perimeter. When I ran after it, the creature darted off towards the gate, and squeezed itself, with a little bit of struggle, through the metal fencing. 


After doing a thorough inspection of my plants, especially the recently sprouted cucumber and bean seedlings, I headed to the shed, and pulled out the granulated fox urine I ordered two weeks ago. The stuff I thought I would not have to use. I was aware of how much the stuff smelled: there were enough reviews on Amazon warning of it. When I opened the container, I found that it was "protected" by a safety seal. 


Of course, I was too lazy to get a razor to remove that material. Instead, I used my fingernail to peel it back. Big mistake. I got it on my finger. Hours later, and I can still smell a faint odor.


(How does it smell? Just one small step below that of a skunk. Hopefully the rabbits are repulsed by it, too.)

Other than the rabbits, I am pleased with the progress of my plants. I am experimenting with spacing (I placed things closer than recommended on the packaging), so I am curious to see how that goes. I am also interested in how effective the Neem oil turns out to be against pests. Finally, I am thinking ahead concerning supports for my pole beans. I would like to get them built and installed by next week.

While I am not happy about the rabbit situation, they have not managed to damage my plants so far. So that is a positive. Let us see whether the fox urine works.

As with most things in life, I am taking this one day at a time.

It is what it is.

(Oh, and tomorrow is a new day.)


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