Thursday, July 16, 2020

My Weekly Checkup (#15)

A Collection of Some Things I Found, Some Thoughts I Had This Week

I have spent the better part of this past week on the internet reading people's opinions concerning the reopening of schools during this pandemic. My upcoming Monday blog post will explain why I am not ready to share my thoughts on this topic (and many others) at this time. However, since I  have managed to post weekly under this heading for several months now, I decided to share a little something. Hope you enjoy it!

The Unicorn Rests in the Garden

I have mentioned the Last Unicorn before, in a previous Weekly Checkup. The movie was a part of my childhood: I watched it repeatedly, and recited lines over and over again. In the late nineties, with the help of the internet, I was able to track down a CD version of the soundtrack (I had to order it from Germany). As an adult, I was able to find a copy of the book, and finally read the source material. I grew to love it just as much as the film. More importantly, to this day, I still connect with one of the story's main characters, Schmendrick the Magician. It is his dialogue that I quote the most. And his scenes that I replay in my mind.

Now, I have no illusions (a theme in the movie) about the quality of this 80's animation, compared to current ones. I cannot, in good faith, inform you that you are missing out by not having watched this film. However, I can tell you with great authority, that if you ever want to fully understand me, you have to take the time to examine the story of the Last Unicorn, both as a movie and a book.

But, if you are one of those people who still wants to get to know me just a little bit more, but does not want to add another item to your to-do list, I will leave you two short scenes. Just picture me as the wizard, and the unicorn as the only being capable of satiating one of my four great passions in life. 

(By the way, both scenes accurately reflect the mood I am in right now, and have been for some time, as well as my thoughts about current events. Listen carefully to the dialogue.)

This scene is when the two meet for the first time.  

The key moments:

0:31-0:45, Brilliant and brutal.
0:55-1:20, Honesty. Poetry. Humility. In that order.

The second scene arrives after the unicorn is free, and she and Schmendrick must decide their next course of action. They now have a bond, the two of them. Their stories are intertwined, and both will shape the other into something new. 

The key moments:
0:15-0:27, Yes, only in dreams.
0:28-0:41, A red bull, a butterfly, a witch, and a king. God I love their world.
0:42-0:47, Ha, that's what I'm good for, too.
0:48-1:00, I would have asked for something similar.
1:00-1:10, And the savage truth.

Finally, here is a bonus. One of my favorite montages from the movie. I love the landscapes, the houses, her trek through the rain. And the song.

I love this story.

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