Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Vegetable Gardening and Me (#11)

As I mentioned in my first post on gardening, I want to make this a weekly post. I am not an expert gardener, and I have made plenty of mistakes, but my adventures may help others have more fun and success. 

Also, I now have a page dedicated to gardening, that will contain all past and future posts, as well as resources I have found useful.

All quiet on the gardening front...

Vegetables from My Garden, by Richard Enna

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. All my posts are for informational and entertainment purposes only. I reserve the right to change, edit, or correct any of the content found on the blog at any time without notification. Use at your own risk. 

Until that damn rabbit appeared and showed me what it thought of my fox urine product. Have you ever seen a cat roll around in catnip? Well, it was not quite like that, but it sure came close. At least in my frustrated mind. Yesterday afternoon, I sprinkled the granulated fox urine around the perimeter of my garden, up close against the fence. This evening, while looking out my kitchen window, I spied a rabbit hopping about. Then it moved right up to the fence, exactly on the spot I sprinkled with fox urine. I swear, as my face sunk into dismay--my daughter noticed it, and asked me what was causing it--that rabbit looked up right at me. And it rolled around in it like it was making love to its mate. That is when my face turned red in anger. Only after I slammed opened the door, did it get up and hop off to the other side of the yard. And my face twisted up in frustration.

My daughter laughed at the whole thing as she walked away, texting on her phone.


Otherwise my garden is moving along. The summer squashes are beginning to flower, while at least one fruit has appeared. The winter squash runners are getting longer, as are the corn stalks. The tomato plants are growing nicely, along with the peppers. The eggplants not so much, but I expected it. Finally the bean plants have come in (I reseeded the bare spots), as have the cucumbers. So I am happy with all that. 

As for pests, I have not noticed any rabbit damage, so that is a relief. I have sprayed Neem oil on the leaves, and noticed fewer holes. Finally, so far this week, I only saw two Japanese beetles. Hopefully that remains all I see.

I have supports to install soon, as well as some more seeds to plant.

And some rabbits to keep away.

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