Thursday, July 2, 2020

My Weekly Checkup (#13)

A Collection of Some Things I Found, Some Thoughts I Had This Week

This will be a quick post, mostly because I had a long day, and a busy week; therefore, I did not spend a lot of time searching out, or thinking about things worth sharing. But, for the past two weeks, I have found myself thinking back on an image my brother posted from an art book he found. An image that has provided continual amusement for me.

So here goes.

Self Portrait by Aubrey Beardsley

(This is not the image. This is a self portrait of the image's illustrator, Aubrey Beardsley.)

THIS is the image that my mind has refused to let go of these past two weeks. Apparently it is called "The Artist's Bookplate". Three questions keep popping up every time I see it.

What is the butler wearing? 
What are the titles of the books on the tray? 
Who is that woman? 
And does she really enjoy reading naked? 

The Artist' Bookplate by Aubrey Beardsley

I am glad I decided to share this, because posting it gave me an incentive to research more of his work. And what I found made the effort worth it.

Because I particularly enjoyed discovering this illustration as well. There is something very beautiful about it.

The Slippers of Cinderella by Aubrey Beardsley

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